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The Magic of an Outdoor Sanctuary

The Magic of an Outdoor Sanctuary

outdoor space Apr 10, 2020

In Southern California, we’ve been advised to ‘Shelter in Place.’ As the world slows down, it’s a beautiful time to follow suit, to appreciate the stillness in the day, and notice how we interact with our immediate environments.

With spring around the corner and the promise of endless days of sunshine, the idea of retreating inside can sound daunting. Enter the beauty of outdoor spaces. Places to soak up the sun and watch the world go by. If you’re fortunate enough to have a backyard to call your own, the time to create an outdoor oasis is now. After all, the feeling of home extends far beyond its walls – the magic of a personal sanctuary reverberates throughout gardens, corners to read, and spaces to stretch. It’s a place to escape the pressures of the world and find your own definition of bliss.

For some, an outdoor sanctuary might look like an abundant garden. For others, it may look like a place for entertaining and dining. The trick to creating an ideal oasis is to take a critical look at your space and your priorities.

Some elements that can completely transform a space include:

Yard management – pruning, weeding, planting new species (this is a great project during this time)
Furniture – great furniture is the key to a killer outdoor space
Novelty Fixtures – fireplaces, outdoor kitchens, fountains - the possibilities are endless
Shade elements – umbrellas, awnings, curtains, trees.
A rug – they add color and a feeling of home
The best outdoor sanctuaries are rooted with intention and are tailored to an individual's needs. Think about the activities that bring you endless joy and design a space from that. A wooden deck, for example, would mean bliss for the avid yogi, reader, or artist.

From my experience, the best sanctuaries embody privacy and create a little world inside themselves. Designing an outdoor sanctuary is a fun and creative practice that allows you to take note of what really matters to you – and incorporate it accordingly.

The result of a blissful outdoor sanctuary? A dependable space in which to retreat, to enjoy, and to just… be. And sometimes, just being is all we can do. We might as well do it in style.

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